Fire Safety Management

Fire Safety Programme


Emergency Contact Details

Fire muster is a procedure which defines the role of specific staff members to person some duties in case of fire or any emergency.

Fire muster lists should clearly define:

Who are the leaders,
Communication methods and equipment,
Alarms for general as well as fire emergencies
Staff designated and duties as fire-support parties,
Names staff in the first-aid & medical stretcher party,
Staff designated to assist in evacuation,
Individual's area-specific roles , for example:
- Who will shut down machinery or electrical supply,
Who will close ventilation
Who will start the fire water supply pump etc.

The muster list should be work-area specific. A sample muster list is shown on the screen. Regular fire drills must be conducted in all areas periodically as per the muster plan or list.

Don't wait for fire emergencies, everyone should know their specific role and duties defined in the fire or emergency muster list.

OSHA standards strongly recommend, shop and area specific muster list to be clearly displayed in all work areas.

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