Fire Safety Management


Course Progress: Shows the % of the course you have completed till the point.
Transcript: To view the transcript of the audio of the current frame, Click the Audio Transcript button.
Menu: To view the menu, click the menu button. The menu will let you to navigate to any topic. It will also show the topics you have covered so far and the topics you still have to cover.
Help: To access the navigation help, click the Help button.
Replay: To replay the page from the beginning, click the Replay button.
Play/Pause: To play or pause the content of the current screen, click the Play/Pause button.
Progress Bar: To scroll throuth the content of the current page, drag the progress bar.
Audio: Click the Audio button to hear or mute the audio.
Volume Slider: To adjust the volume, drag the audio Controller.
Back: To move to the previous screen, click the Back button.
Next: To move to the next screen, click the Next button.
Exit: To exit the course, click the Exit button.
Full Screen: To sow full screen, click the Full Screen button.